A Voice from Heaven
"A Voice from Heaven" is a space for Yoshinaka in heaven to speak to the museum visitors. While being gently spoken about this renovated museum and its concept by Yoshinaka, the mannequins, that have been in the museum's collection since its opening in 1992, are continuously exhibited as important icons. The voice over was recorded by actor Yoji Tanaka, who grew up in Kiso-cho, the same town as Yoshinaka.

田中 要次 / TANAKA Yoji
俳優、タレント 1963年8月8日生まれ。長野県西筑摩郡新開村(現・木曽郡木曽町)出身。 別名はBoBA(ボバ)。 血液型はA型。
Actor Born August 8, 1963 iin Shinkai-mura, Nishi-Tsukuma-gun, Nagano Prefecture (current Kiso-cho, Kiso-gun). He is also known as BoBA. His blood type is A.