

営 業 | 10:00-17:00
休館日 | 月曜日(祝日含)、年末年始
入館料 | 大人:300円/木曽町民・中学生以下:無料/身体障害者手帳・療育手帳・精神保健福祉手帳所持者および付き添いの方1名:無料





The Yoshinaka Museum was opened in 1992 with the aim of passing on to future generations the existence of Kiso Yoshinaka and Tomoe Gozen, who were associated with the town of Kiso. Nearly 30 years have passed since the museum opened, and in response to requests from both inside and outside the region, we have decided to reopen the museum in 2021 with the aim of making it a facility that is loved by the region even more than before and that the local community can be proud of.

In this renewal, we aim to not only pass on the existing history to future generations, but also to create a place where each visitor can imagine the relationship between the town, Lord Yoshinaka, and Tomoe Gozen by depicting scenes that do not remain in the historical record and scenes of daily life in Kiso Town.

There are few descriptions of Yoshinaka and Tomoe in the literature written at that time, and it is difficult to clearly define their existence, and their reputation has changed greatly with each era. Because they are such “enigmatic beings,” we hope that each of us will take an interest in their existence by imagining their daily lives and their unrecorded lives.



A Letter from Yoshinaka and Tomoe

Based on the concept of “Letters from Yoshinaka and Tomoe,” the new Yoshinaka Museum exhibits paintings, videos, sculptures, and interactive artworks. Unlike most museum exhibitions, various artists have been involved in the creation of the works so that even those who are new to Yoshinaka and Tomoe will be interested in them.

In addition, members of the “Society for the Praise of Yoshinaka, Tomoe and Other Heroes,” which has been conducting research on Yoshinaka and Tomoe for many years, and residents of Kiso Town helped to create the works. By introducing literature, guiding people to places related to Yoshinaka and Tomoe, and sharing our feelings about Yoshinaka and Tomoe with the artists, we were able to create a work of art unique to this place. Please visit the Yoshinaka Museum and enjoy the work.

Another feature of the exhibition is that there are many places in and around Kiso Town that are related to Yoshinaka. The new Gichu-kan is intended to function as a place where such information can be gathered, and we hope that visitors will stop by here and then tour the surrounding areas.




義仲と巴を知る ライブラリー



営 業 | 10:00-17:00
休館日 | 月曜日(祝日の場合は、その直後の祝日でない日)
入館料 | 大人:300円/中学生以下・町民:無料/身体障害者手帳・療育手帳・精神保健福祉手帳所持者および付き添いの方1名:無料



自動車利用:伊那ICから 22.5km 30分
自動車利用:中津川ICから 65.5km 85分
鉄道利用:JR中央本線宮ノ越駅下車 →徒歩5分
