Tale of Yoshinaka
これまで歴史の中で、伝記や物語、能や歌舞伎の中で様々な形で義仲は表現され、松尾芭蕉、芥川龍之介など、歴史に名を残す様々な先人達も義仲の魅力に取り憑かれ、多くの言葉や文章を残しています。 本当の義仲の「姿」は確認することはできませんが、この展示は、これまで義仲について語られてきた「言葉」や、これまで描かれてきた「絵」を、紡ぎながら一つの「義仲物語」としてブリコラージュし、再構築した絵巻の壁画になります。義仲はどんな顔をしていて、どんな人物だったのか、そして、あなた自身が、どこに共鳴し、どう思うのか、あなた自身も義仲になった気持ちで想像してみてください。
Throughout history, Yoshinaka has been portrayed in various forms in biographies, stories, Noh and Kabuki theaters. Great writers such as Matsuo Basho, Ryunosuke Akutagawa and others who themselves have left their names in history were also fascinated by Yoshinaka and talked or wrote about him. Although we cannot confirm what Yoshinaka really looked like, this artwork is a bricolage of "words" and "pictures" of the stories told and drawn about him and reconstructed as a "Tale of Yoshinaka" in the form of a mural of a horizontal picture scroll. Just imagine what Yoshinaka looked like and what kind of person he was, and also think about which part of him resonates with you and what you think of him as if you were Yoshinaka himself.

土屋勇太 / TSUCHIYA Yuta
株式会社 豊作工舎 ブランディングデザイナー/アートディレクター/グラフィックデザイナー 山形県上山市生まれ。東北芸術工科大学卒業後、デザイン会社を数社経て、株式会社 豊作工舎設立。 地域のアートプロジェクトやリノベーションプロジェクト、地域工芸品や商品開発など、暮らしや文化にまつわるプロジェクトを中心に、様々なブランディングやアートディレクション、デザインなどヴィジュアルコミュニケーションを中心にプロジェクトを行い。三軒茶屋ではコミュニティースペース「三茶WORK」の共同代表を務める。
Branding Designer/Art Director/Graphic Designer Born in Kaminoyama City, Yamagata Prefecture. After graduating from Tohoku University of Art & Design, he worked for several design companies before establishing HOUSAKU inc. He has been involved in a variety of visual communication projects including branding, art direction, and design, focusing on projects related to lifestyle and culture, such as local art projects, renovation projects, local crafts, and product development. He is also the co-chair of Sangenjaya's community space, SANCHA WORK.