Portrait of Tomoe Gozen at the age of 91
I believe that Tomoe lived her life as a storyteller. In the heart of Yoshinaka, who ordered her to return to Kiso instead of allowing her to spend her last days with him, he must have wanted her to continue to tell the truth in her hometown. Tomoe must have continued to tell her story in various places until she ended her life at 91 years of age. The mountains that line the headwaters of the Kiso River, flowing prodigally down to the Pacific Ocean, seem to overlap with Tomoe. I imagine that Tomoe is still in Kiso as a woman who continues to tell her story.(89-year-old TAYA Taeko, a resident of Hiyoshi, modeled for this painting.)

岩熊力也 / IWAKUMA Rikiya
画家 1969年東京生まれ。長野県木曽町を拠点に活動。イメージを水で洗い流した残像としての絵画や、歴史や伝説に取材したその断片から新たな物語を紡ぎだし展開したインスタレーションなどを国内外で発表。日本という社会空間における絵画表現の在り方を探る。
Painter Born in Tokyo in 1969, currently based in Kiso-cho, Nagano Prefecture. He has exhibited both in Japan and abroad, including paintings as afterimages, in which images are washed away with water, and installations in which new stories are spun and developed from fragments of history and legend. He explores the ideal form of pictorial expression in the social space of Japan.